Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Season - 2011

Family and Friends. This is our 1st year away from you all and we miss you dearly and the blues come and go. However, we "Thank God" that he led us here to the Escapee Adult DayCare Center in Livingston, TX as many of these folks only have us volunteers for the holidays. We are so blessed we have our health and can help those in need. So many have dimentia/alzheimer, blind, or other issues and are so grateful we are here. Many are so lonely. They love to talk and We all become family with the 37 full time residents. All live in RV's or 5th Wheels and are right next to the Center. This year they/we all donated and adopted a family of 7 to sponsor.  We collected over $600 to provide the kids with sosme nice gifts/clothes and food for the family.  So humbling and none of the elder wanted a gift. They do not care about gifts and are so grateful to have us and still give to others. How rewarding this has been being here. Please be grateful for what you have and thank God you have your health. Love ya All
Merry Christmas from John and Pat Morgan