Monday, October 1, 2012

Rockport, Texas - October 2012

We arrived in Rockport Texas on October 1st and will be staying at Drifters RV Resort for the winter. The park is very nice and we love the exercise room, biking area, swimming pool and they plan on many activities beginning in November.  The weather is great, hot humid but not cold!!
We love this area because of the Ocean, the fishing, but most of all the beautiful scenery around us.
We look forward to spending time here this winter and will have a better feel of everything after a few months.
John and I have scheduled all of our Annual Dr. appointments for our Wellness checkups so we will feel good after all of this is done.  Shots,,,shots,,,,bloodwork....and more.  Love It Now Though!!

10/14/2012-We are meeting new people which we love.  Met some folks from Canyon City, Colorado in El Paso in September and found out they also are staying here in Aransas Pass, for the winter.  Jerry and Anita at their RV in Ranson Rd RV Park. 
Then when we were in San Marcos we met some folks that stayed at the same place last month and they are now here in the same park with us.  Went to Goliad to Market Days with Steve and Vickie.  Also went swimming with Steve and Vicki, our neighbors.   It has been a pleasure meeting new folks.
Steve and Vickie
Jerry and Anita
Pat enjoying a day in the pool.
John at Drifters swim for the day!